Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Time to start writing again!

Lately I've been squeezing my brains for things I can write about on a regular basis. I write so seldomly nowadays (save for Facebook status updates) I'm afraid I've gotten quite rusty.

Also, I read and learn about a lot of new things everyday. You'd think that my conversational prowess should be quite exceptional compared to before, but sadly, most of the time I am only able to recall about 30% of the things I've read and learned about in the past.

When I try to memorise something interesting, I always make notes about them on cute, colourful papers. I used to do this a lot, but notes have a way of disappearing, and even when they don't, shuffling through a huge stack of disorganised, random information is not the best experience when I'm trying to recall something in a hurry.

So, right now I have these 2 problems. (1) I don't know what to write about. (2) I don't remember most of the things I read about.

Therefore I have decided to write about something that I want to learn more of. They say the best way to learn is to teach. And there's no better way to recall than to explain it again!

Since I'm sharing this blog on public space, I will put more effort into being factually correct so as not to embarrass myself. Hopefully, one day this blog will be a helpful source of information for other people.

So there it is! The solution to my problems. I now have plenty of things to write about, and hopefully in the process of explaining things that I've learned, I will improve my writing and also permanently embed all the information into my brains.

Wish me luck!

PS: The image below can already be categorised as viral - it's all over my Facebook newsfeed. I just find it interesting and funny (well, probably not so funny for Ms. McKeith).

But when I see it, I'm still sticking to the philosophy of moderation when it comes to food. Being a carnivore or a herbivore is both extreme. A well-balanced diet of fresh food is always the best.

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